Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Human Behavior

Is it better to be smart than to be stupid? Believe it or not the history of life on this earth refutes the claim of the latter, that is, if we judge by biological success. Understand this: beetles and bacteria are vastly more successful in terms of survival than humans could ever hope to be, especially considering that species survival has a life expectancy of about 100,000 years. With humans using this allotted time to destroy themselves and almost everything else in its path how can anyone with a semblance of logic dispute or deny that in essence humans are really a biological error. throughout their short existence the assault on the environment that sustains life, and the cold and calculated savagery on everything else and each other as well is conclusion enough.

Selling yourself short

You can spend your playing it safe, but the truth is, deep down you are terrified of taking risks. Risk present a conundrum that many minds cannot comprehend in that there is a real risk of failure. You can lose! Like everybody you want to win but the fear and reality of losing is greater than the exultation of winning' and the killer is, deep down inside... way deep down inside, you and only you will know, you didn't have the guts to go for it. So, play it safe, live your run of the mill average Joe life and likewise only you'll know that your insides  rot away on a  daily basis. The disillusionment, addictions, and placing blame infiltrates your entire being and you died a living death a long time ago simply because.... You refused to go for what it was you aspired to do. Make up your mind what it is you want to do and go for it!