In this American society of ours it's pretty easy to pass yourself off as somebody whom you aren't ,or to be more exact, never could be. It's called identity theft! Theives and liars do this routinely engaging in this behavior without giving it so much as a thought. That doesn't stop people from trying though, that's mainly because of a well accepted syndrome sweeping the shores of this great country of ours... I personally choose to call it the Bitchilization of America. Now I'm not talking about anything other than weak, lying ass cowards that would do almost anything to tell themselves that they are right to stoop to any means to justify that which is the antithesis of anything that they are, or ever could be. Whether they're forging a check, or plagiarizing a paper, who you are started a long time ago, and if you happen to fall into the category of being morally reckless, ethically challenged, or any of the other monikers that fit your deprived ass, the fault lies with your sorry ass mammy, who refused to take a firm hold on you years ago, blowing off those things you did during your grooming process because she thought that inane shit you were doing was cute and now that you're a full grown adult who dwells at the fringes of ineptitude, marginalization and mostly dick biting (to use the vernacular of the street) and passing yourself off as something you obviously aren't while people laugh at you, feel sorry for you, or as most cases view you with contempt and/or disdain. A long hard honest look in the looking glass should make hot scalding water run from your eyes if you have the capability of being honest with yourself which is something you are incapable of being. So my low self esteem, calorically challenged friend(s) keep on trucking along in your glass house, but stop throwing stones. No matter how many people you unfriend you'll eventually figure out this is the real world not a television sitcom starring you and that fairytale you live in. Even Peter Pan had to grow up!
. ...............................................................Da Bad Guy!