Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Stuff of Legend

Oh, their portrayals of themselves. Upright, Valiant, Courageous, Brave, and on, and on. Any word descriptive of gallantry, honor, and righteousness they attach to themselves and their forebearers when in reality nothing could be further from the truth. Pillaging, defiling of women, and death is their calling card, if not in the literal sense (which it is for the most part) it resounds in the hearts and minds of the conquered. These people have decimated the planet we dwell upon, and they scheme, plot, and design the future so that their offspring can continue the ruination of all who aren't of their ilk. Separation, and none inclusion are the dishes they serve on platters as cold as ice and if you listen real close they make no apologies for their actions because in their hearts there is no regret. It is ordained that they rule over those of us who do not measure up to them, no matter if they are hilliest hillbilly of all time, without an ounce of intellect, it is firmly entrenched in them that they are better bigger, stronger, faster and any other positive adjective you can think of. Wake up my friends turn off those headphones, ipods, and escape the social network prisons of gobble t gook and inaneness. Free your minds from the clutter (including religion) and of all that does not serve to make yours and your loved ones existence on this planet at least moderately bearable. To do that we have to wake up, take our heads of of the sand and accept the reality of what is regardless of the sting, bites of pain and uncomfortableness that it causes us. Listen my people and you will hear.......

                                                                                                                          Da Bad Guy

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Just a thought!

You cannot administer a wicked law impartially, it only destroys, punishes, but be warned...just like a lethal disease it destroys every one it touches. Censuring thought is akin to banishing books, even newspapers. Its nothing but the few forcing their agenda on the masses... Fanaticism and ignorance are forever busy... And has to be fed.

Monday, October 7, 2013

A message from Red Neckerson

At what point is it that people don't think that you get tired of these semblances of humanity run amok destroying this great country that was forged through the blood and sweat of our ancestors. Ancestors who came here as indentured servants, as poor Agrians or service workers giving everything they had, even their lives in pursuit of better lives for their children. Sure we enslaved them but they're nothing more than chattle and besides Almighty God bequeathed that we're the superior race so you can't argue with us. Look we've given you some freedom and all you scum of the earth vermin do is clog up the streets with that marching bullshit, which if you look at it never gets you nowhere. We showed you idiots that you have no self esteem because our kids, the fruit of our loins are the best of your race, I ain't afraid to say what everybody knows anyway...the lighter skinned ones are the cream of your no good crop, even you acknowledge that in word and action. All you do is kill each other and take drugs and wreak havoc in society. You don't go to school so what good are you, I mean come on, like you say, keep it real...would you give you a good high paying job?, hell fuckin no, you know you wouldn't. This is just some food for thought for you darkies, so run on back to your church houses, where your preachers doing every thing under the sun including spending your money feeding you that pie in the sky theory we fed you when we took your language, your culture, and your God so long ago, and you ain't got wise yet, so be sure to stay prayed up and blessed and I'll get at you later.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Changing Times

For the umpteenth gazillionth time there's a discussion on the racial situation, or lack thereof in this great melting pot of this America we live in. Well here's my take on it... You've got one faction that's so immersed in keeping these mythical reins of power and keeping " those others" subordinate to them that they see nor hear any rationale that would bring any one to that top of the stoop that they occupy. Those others want so badly to included and are beaten down by the years of mind numbing terrorism that has been inflicted upon them along with the political, social, financial, and educational ramifications, that any meaningful conversation exists in a realm we know not of. That along with the perpetual pendulum swing of others that gain access to the stoop for whatever reason of inclusion the occupiers of the stoop deem relevant, they then acquire the same feelings as their stoopmates so appealing to them is pointless, and many of them are from third world countries. Bottom line is I can go on and on but that would be just like discussing the race situation, pointless! Until hearts and minds change (especially from the top stoopers) its wasted breath! Haters hate and that's the bottom line and apparently they are so ensconced in those negative feelings that rhyme or reason has no meaning whatsoever!
Da Bad Guy

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ode to a Bitch

In this American society of ours it's pretty easy to pass yourself off as somebody whom you aren't ,or to be more exact, never could be. It's called identity theft! Theives and liars do this routinely engaging in this behavior without giving it so much as a thought. That doesn't stop people from trying though, that's mainly because of a well accepted syndrome sweeping the shores of this great country of ours... I personally choose to call it the Bitchilization of America. Now I'm not talking about anything other than weak, lying ass cowards that would do almost anything to tell themselves that they are right to stoop to any means to justify that which is the antithesis of anything that they are, or ever could be. Whether they're forging a check, or plagiarizing a paper, who you are started a long time ago, and if you happen to fall into the category of being morally reckless, ethically challenged, or any of the other monikers that fit your deprived ass, the fault lies with your sorry ass mammy, who refused to take a firm hold on you years ago, blowing off those things you did during your grooming process because she thought that inane shit you were doing was cute and now that you're a full grown adult who dwells at the fringes of ineptitude, marginalization and mostly dick biting (to use the vernacular of the street) and passing yourself off as something you obviously aren't while people laugh at you, feel sorry for you, or as most cases view you with contempt and/or disdain. A long hard honest look in the looking glass should make hot scalding water run from your eyes if you have the capability of being honest with yourself which is something you are incapable of being. So my low self esteem, calorically challenged friend(s) keep on trucking along in your glass house, but stop throwing stones. No matter how many people you unfriend you'll eventually figure out this is the real world not a television sitcom starring you and that fairytale you live in. Even Peter Pan had to grow up!
. ...............................................................Da Bad Guy!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Warning: This blog contains language that is considered lewd and offensive yet most of us use it in private conversation without giving it a thought, so I'm going to say exactly what I mean and how I mean it, just because it needs to be said, so buckle up and lets ride. To hell with political correctness, and social decorum and lets get to the heart of the matter.

Most of the problems in America comes from this faction of zealots that are all high and mighty and are determined to establish their set of rules and we all live by them, and the problem is, these same assholes don't even live by their own rules. Just like sheep being led to the slaughter idiots will echo the sentiments of these people calling for separation and noninclusion and all the while its nothing more than the same old power moves that the ruling class in America has employed for centuries now. Listen up and listen close in America the ruling class are wealthy caucasians who are the ancestors of robbers, thieves, killers and anything else it took to amass whatever it was they wanted, killing native Americans, then fucking their women, enslaving Africans, committing any and all atrocities against them, then you guessed it fucking their women, not to mentioned decades later of hangings, lynchings, and marginalization and all the time calling out loudly that people need to forget the things of the past and right today these motherfuckers use mass media to throttle minorities belittling them, calling them lazy and accusing them of wanting government handouts ( or the new catchphrase of the day, entitlements) while their schools are on par with third world countries and all the while their children are educated in lavish classrooms with the newest, and best school supplies and equipment, optimal student to teacher ratios and secure environments. Their parents go on morning jogs while niggers rush to work to make sho dat his bosses workplace runs efficiently. Thats for those who aren't locked away behind bars and/or addiction. (and I'm the bad guy) They still accost niggers at the drop of the hat for little or nothing and these Casey Anthonys get away with murder.  Lets put the ball in all these crazy motherfuckers court...suppose this was your child, grandchild, cousin, nephew or any relation or close association would it be okay that this assimulating ass Mexican stalked him and killed him.
There is no or will be no return to Pleasantville no matter how bad they want it!
To be continued.....

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


First they steal the words...then they distort the meanings. The French philosopher Voltaire said "those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. These words have never been more relevant than in our society today. A seventeen year old kid lies dead in Sanford Fla by a man that profiled him, followed him after authorities told him not to, and took his life. Now all we hear is the teens propensity for violence, drug use and anything else that can be used to incriminate the victim. All of my Adult life I've heard you follow the law, but apparently that's changed. (refer to opening line) This case was over when the police told George Zimmerman to cease and desist regardless of how many friends he brings to court, or how much marijuana is in whomever's system....but the dirty south is a hell of a place... just ask Casey Anthony.

                                                                                                                         Da Bad Guy!