Here in the year of our Lord 2013, the dialogue concerning Blacks in America is no different than in 1956 when Americans shouted long, and loud about the atrocity's the Soviets inflicted upon the Hungarians, yet no one was reviled as the Montgomery Bus Boycott raged. In fact coalitions were formed to keep these inferior Negro's in their place. One such organization, the FCG or the Federation for Constitutional Government whose aims partly were to nullify the Supreme Courts decision on desegregation (remember White America refuses to publicly acknowledge themselves as radical racist) are a blueprint for what white America, its Republican and Tea parties says its aims are today. The FCG's goals were to build an alliance of Conservatives in every part of the country to: Oppose the United Nations, Limit the power of the President to make treaties with Foreign Nations, oppose organized Labor, Social Medicine, High Taxes, Economic Aid Programs, and to reverse unpopular Supreme (Warren) Court Decisions. The executive head of the organization, Louisiana Businessman John U. Barr, emphatically stated that the Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation" is a usurpation of power by the Supreme Court and is essentially void because that power belongs to the Legislative branch of Government, not the Judicial Branch". The stated goal of the FCG is to maintain the purity of both the White and Negro races. "That is the entire motivation of our group" emphatically stated by John U. Barr.
As preposterous as this sounds, the Republican Party's goals that we know today are almost a carbon copy of John U. Barr's, and the FCG's platform that was rode to power by an obscure, has been Actor turned politician, that has been dubbed the Greatest President in the history of the U.S.....Ronald Wilson Reagan.
Just as dialogue in 2013 is no different than 1956, it is that mirror image of 1848's Emerson vs Carlyle, or when Lincoln fought with Douglas in the 1850's. You must understand Jim Crow never dies, he just changes his tone from premeditated, inflammatory invectives to a moderate, politically correct rhetoric which is more pleasing to the unsophisticated ear.
White America is sanctimoniously outraged when George W. Bush rails against Sadaam Hussien, the Taliban, and Osama Bin Laden and the terror they inflict upon humanity, but he and White America turn a deaf ear to the racial injustices, system of Jurisprudence run amok, and the poverty, sickness, and disease that is perpetuated by the institution of policies and procedures of his, or his predecessors Administrations, the Republican party, White Citizens Councils, Polices Chiefs, Governors, Bankers, University Presidents, and even the Ku Klux Klan doing whatever they can to preserve "White Purity" which is nothing but a catch phrase for Racial Superiority.
Of course publically they make the pretense of calling for equity, but label anyone calling for the end of segregation and separation as being an extremist. All the while they wage a subtle propaganda blitzkrieg on the American people calling for the preservation of the America they know and love. Separate, Unequal, and more importantly Unconcerned.
The legacy of the Bush Administration is the perpetuation of lies and the prostitution of the minds of the American people. As were the legacies of Lincoln, Truman, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, and every President up to and including the present one. (To his credit Truman campaigned and railed for equality in the most racist areas of Missouri, even against the KKK).
Blacks have been described as less mentally capable, therefore unable to grasp what it takes to become an integral part of mainstream American society, (therefore all the negatives, and misnomers hurled at Barack Obama and his intellect, or lack thereof) dehumanized is how America chooses to think of them. Blacks who can read and write, who have escaped the legacy of ignorance and institutionalization have always been the bane of whites existence, and the reason why until relatively recently Southern States outlawed or effectively discouraged the efforts to educate Blacks. With the advent of the New Generation, Whites efforts aren't even needed because Blacks choose not to educate themselves, opting instead for lives of fun, and frivolity, when school, education, and the future is unimportant, effectively removing themselves frrom mainstream American society without any assistance at all.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the only place to go from there is down. Down to the institutions of Addiction, Poverty, Sickness, Disease, Confinement and Death, where all the fires have been stoked for their entrance. Character Assassins that lurk behind every corner, seek to destroy, defame, and humiliate every person of color and lump them all together in the one group of non, under, and unwilling to acheive with bias, prejudgement, and the spread of negative and inflammatory propaganda. This widespread and destructive swath of anti-intellectualism and cowardice is pervasive throughout this year 2013 as it was 40. 50, and even 100 plus years ago.
Think about it, only a person of high principles will look out for the common man, its the little guy that needs someone up top (in a position of power) to watch his back.
Da Bad Guy!
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