Monday, June 3, 2013

Monikers, and Titles

There are those amongst us  that  thrive upon the perception that a title lends prestige, affluence, and credibility to themselves, their families, and their lives. This perception exists no matter how much you try to influence. yourself, or others as to your lineage or status in life, and the bottom line truth is, you are what you are. Most times all it takes is for you to attempt to verbally articulate to the world around you and you've blown your cover. That hill you stand on as king will crumble faster than a peanut buster parfait in 90 degree heat the moment that your inane vernacular reaches the ears of the informed. I'm acquainted with a guy that coaches and teaches college kids at what is supposed to be one of the most prestigious HBCU's in the country yet he is and has been sorely lacking in the most basic skills required to navigate
the most rudimentary life. This same individual was a fireman for possibly 20+ years and couldn't pass the basic skills test to promote himself to the
Lieutenant level which is about as simple as it comes, yet to talk with this guy you get the impression that he 's a high level cabinet member, that is if you're sorely lacking in skills yourself. Wow they say the mind is a terrible thing to waste! Just imagine all the furrowed eyebrows he's encountered along the way and all the time his mind has been playing tricks on him because he's  figuring that he got another past someone else. Whatever it is you do, hone your craft. Don't try to be something that you obviously aren't, get all your ducks in a row, and please have enough wherewithall to educate yourself to your desired level of competance. Rest assured that anything else will shine through to the competent masses like a new harvest moon. Stop perpatrating, get your credentials in order and you'll find that its not the letters that follow your name that are significant, but the measure of the individual thats dedicated themselves to true excellence.                                              Da Bad Guy!

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