Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Have you heard of me!

The new America means the talking heads can defame, malign, and heap hot coals of misinformation on the American public with impunity. They constantly bombard the airwaves with the most inane thoughts without care or concern for getting the facts in order. Their mission is to inflame the passions of the so-called right without regard giving a thought to the consequences of their actions. Government (Big Government as they call it), Immigration, and Gun Control are their hot button topics with overt bigotry as the main theme in any conversation that they have. An Addle brained, Oxycontin soaked messiah is their main voice, spewing venom to the masses, with a nationwide team of disciples regurgitating his antiquated views to innumerable followers who like abused pups, tuck their tales and blindly follow...The Informed Bad Guy is one of the new voices in America who is not afraid to call this Messiah and his Minions to the carpet. Call me left or down the middle I will always give a voice to the marginalized masses that innundate the landscape of this new America we live in. never hyperbole or inflammatory rhetoric, we'll always do it like "Joe Friday with just the facts". So kick back and let the new kid on the block bring some sanity to this muddled mass of  the manipulated. Something that Ronald Reagan allowed with one of his last acts in office . Lets set the record straight!

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