Think back for a moment and try to remember the first time you tried to use "they, them. or everybody else" as an excuse to do what it was that you knew you shouldn't do, but did anyway, just because you wanted to do it. When it came to light, the conversation you had probably went something like, "but mom, everybody's doing it!" Then you stood there in earnest waiting for confirmation because you just knew mom and dad would understand, and they would acknowledge that you had done the right thing, that you in all your narcissistic exuberance had made the right decision, and were coming into your own, in that ever changing world that was so different than the one they had grown up in, and following everyone else's lead was a symbol of maturation and growth, they were proud because you showed moxy and the balls to make that decision, or so you thought. There you were chest puffed out, heart beating fast, and eyes wide as silver dollars....that was until the hammer dropped! So many of the problems that exist in our society, and the world today stems from the fact that so many of us refuse to use our own judgement in matters that affect our daily lives. Pack mentality, we just have to do what it is we see others are doing. Emulate our friends, neighbors, heroes, icons, and idols. Just gotta get like or even one up John Q. Citizen next door to us. From the flavor of toothpaste we use, foods we eat, cars we drive, our homes and just about everything else we get involved in, (for the most part) its not our own independent decision. Along with this need to follow we're constantly being pelted with subliminal images that lead us exactly where "the theys" want us to go. We're propagandized from the time our eyes open in the morning until well after they're closed at night. These were Hitler's and the Nazi party's tactic, but we embrace them because we gave it that politically correct name called a Marketing Tool, so off to the races we go! Pack Mentality: attributed to animals of lesser intelligence as a means of survival, thats what it is we do. How many of us truly know even what soap we like, or if we like the particular brand that we use, other than thats what we are told we should like? Look around for a minute if you doubt what I'm saying. All the same shoes, shirts emboldened with the same lettering (mostly somebody else's name), and the list goes on and on. We look like something from an episode of the Outer Limits. Don't get me wrong, there are times when grouping together is essential, like rooting for your team, or trying to pass legislation , but in every facet of our lives?....stop being ridiculous. Its time that that same hammer dropped on us as kids (that our parents dropped so long ago) when they said "if everybody jumps off a cliff are you going to!
Remember most of us don't have parachutes or even know how to use them.........Think About it!
Da Bad Guy!
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