Take just a moment if you will, to think of this creature that considers himself to be a superior being. In general conversation of course he will deny this but consider his actions, mannerisms, and ideology. During the course of any normal day I am literally astounded by the things that he does, and is able to get away with, all I think because most people aren't paying attention, aren't intellectually sound enough to know when they're being hornswaggled, or they're just plain afraid to rock the boat. How many times have you been standing in line at (lets just say) Walmart and the person in front of you has a buggy full of items, the cashier checks them through, gives them the total, and the person in question hands her their credit card, she slides it through, thanks them for their purchase, and they're merrily on their way. You, in turn place 3 items on the counter, reach into your wallet, or purse for your credit card, and out of the cashier's mouth is "May I see your driver's license or I.D. please?". You give her this look that says "Why didn't you ask the person in front of me for their I.D. and they had a basketful of shit?", but you give a sigh, fork over the license in compliance, take your purchases, and quietly exit, stage left. Now if you're anything like me, or the people that I've talked to, this makes you feel violated, because apparently this person, or these people are accorded privileges that aren't accorded you. Why?, you ask yourself over, and over again. This has happened to marginalized people for so many years that many have become psychologically deadened, and they automatically acquiesce to the whims of the establishment without question, whereas others of us, our antenna goes up at the slightest sign of preferential treatment that isn't accorded us. When a peoples have instituted a caste system (which is in full swing in these United States) those on the lower rungs of the ladder are subjected to unspeakable slights, and injustices on a wholesale basis, and until they choose to lift themselves out of the "coach" section, the offending class will trudge along "status quo" so to speak. Whether or not they know their actions are offensive is inmaterial because the offender rarely has a barometer for measuring the amount of mud that he slings or has slung. (Remember the Flag flap or the Schools having derogatory Indian names and the offender's indifference) "What difference can it make they're just..." (I think you get the picture!). whenever any person feels he has been slighted in any way shape or form it is his/her duty to address the situation until a resolution is reached to that person's satisfaction. In other words if you don't ask for the order, you can't get it! Stop thinking like you're in the coach section, or better put, a second class citizen, because confidence and self esteem shine thru in the darkest of nights. You are entitled to anything and any service that any other American is, the only limitation is whats in your wallet. There aren't any second class citizens in America, only in the minds of fools!
Da Bad Guy!
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