Thursday, January 31, 2013


Try to imagine if you will that people set aside their pettiness and actually gave a damn about their fellow comrades in this thing called life or even in day to day existence. Children dying in mass or walking home from the store in unfamiliar neighborhoods would be something that would never cross your mind, much less be a reality in this world we live in. Try to imagine that people who are so arrogant  (that they routinely say they are from the greatest nation on this earth), but are so insensitive and selfish that they have a right to harbor weapons  of mass destruction in their homes based on an antiquated piece of legislation that has for the most part,  no relevance to life in America today, except to maim, and destroy. Yet no matter how much carnage is inflicted upon their fellow man, they remain steadfast in their assertion that "they have a right to bear these same arms that inflict untold misery amongst the population at large. Imagine that the pain and suffering didn't end after the memorial services, the speeches,or after everybody packed up to go home. That the pain lingered on, and on (not just in the homes of those who were directly affected) so that people would come to the table seeking true solutions to the violence that plagues our streets. Imagine if people would stop pointing the finger at one group because of their race, color, socioeconomic condition, immigration status, etc and start to realize that the problem begins with the individual that stares back at them every time they peek into the looking glass. Imagine if there were no wings,  right or left, no parties, no liberals or conservatives and all made a concerted effort to really make this the greatest place on earth to live. Imagine if all these folks stopped just talking about this love that they have from the creator and started showing some of it, not just to their immediate kin, or at the holiday season, but made it a practice to spread just a tiny portion of that love amongst mankind recognize when others are hurting, hungry, suffering, sick, in anguish, etc., etc., and be the catalyst for making a small chuck of life more palatable, even if only for that moment. Imagine if the Haves gave some kind of concern to the have nots instead of running to the range everyday so that they can stay on their game, keep their eye sharp so that when the proposed Armageddon comes crashing down around us they be ready to protect them and theirs. I guess you could say it takes a lot of imagining to even remotely begin attempting to imagine any of this. Well,  its said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step..the simple method of just putting one foot in front of the other... now jus try to imagine something simplier than that!     STOP THE HATE!                            DA BAD GUY!

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