Wednesday, February 6, 2013


What's really amazing is the fact that people buy into the notion that these individuals say the exact opposite of what they publicly, and emphatically stated just decades ago. They feel that they should get a free pass to spew the venom, spread the divisiveness, misinformation, and proliferate the polarization that America claims it is attempting to move away from. And get this "all in the name of the Constitution!"  A document that is routinely used to shape the views of whomever is attempting  to justify their position. (and yet they never  expound upon what is probably the most important statement in the document itself and that is  " That we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal"), There's never any argument or even mention of that point. Only the Bible is used more to manipulate the masses in this way. Understand this; these are the sons, daughters, and grandchildren of people that died to keep minorities entrenched in "The Peculiar Institution", and were out and out overt separatists and members of organizations that literally took the lives of those they (legally) labeled as less than human,  for nothing other than the simple fact that they were different or that they had had to much moonshine. Murder, Rape, Assault and the like have been these individuals calling cards since the inception of this country with the legal system as their allies. ( because they made the system itself ) They now have the ultimate tool to cloak themselves in these clandestine fraternal orders and/or its ideology with impunity, and no political fallout because today's tactics dictate that it is no longer politically expedient to make those outside this web of intrigue aware of their allegiances to this mythical idea of domination and superiority. This country has been  inundated with these people in positions of power from the small town sheriffs, to supreme court justices since that meeting in Pulaski Tennessee and those ideas existed well before then. They use these fringe lunatics cloaked in clown costumes and the talking heads (Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz and the like) who are nothing more than mindless sycophants of right wing extremist to espouse their mandates, They act bewildered, and appalled that anyone would have the audacity to accuse them of this reprehensible and outdated train of thought or course of action, all the while anyone who's paying scant attention can see that these leopards have not changed their spots.They  routinely stoop to reverse psychology to give the uninformed the impression that the marginalism and bigotry they perpetuate is feigned, imagined, or that they are being attacked without justification, and falsely accused. The tool they use(d) to gain these positions of power; they now seek to eradicate, by giving it the distasteful moniker of "Big Government", (which is now the new catch phrase used by the Right). The "Big Government" tool that was used during the 20's (the heydays of the KKK, with thousands of them marching down Pennsylvania Ave in full regalia), and the  30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and even now in this new millineum, still using it to empower themselves, push their mandates, promote their chosen way of life, and of course enrich the chosen few, while all the time making sure that the majority enjoys a better way of life. All the self help programs, or training that the government paid for (if even at the state level) to enter places like NASA, GM, Lockheed  were closed to minorities who toiled away in service, just a step removed from slavery, and sharecropping. (maids cooks, butlers, and pullman porters are what minorities were, and encouraged to be) It's no secret that minorities were kept separate and unequal and denied entrance (By Governors and the like) into the Nations proffered Colleges, and Universities They (the Majority) took advantage of  "New Deals". Farmers receiving subsidies that minority farmers still drudge through the courts for til this very day and yet only still receive meager portions of. Housing, (Oh,  you thought so-called "projects" were built for minorities...yeah right!) Employment training and assistance, Land acquisition, Small business loans, Grants, and even (so-called) corporate welfare were all were provided for in whole or in part by this same "Big Government" and now that the possibility exists for someone other than themselves to take advantage of the few programs that still exist, the cry goes out far, and near to do away with "that tool" that helped lift them out of the mire of ignorance and poverty. ("Big Government had to step in to stop nepotism because it wasn't uncommon for entire families to be working for the same companies in towns and cities all around America, and they cried foul then to...anything to keep the minorities out!) These same people purposely started this trend of under and unemployment with their greed, and something that took misery to the next level, you remember something called the NAFTA agreement? This allowed them to send their factories and jobs overseas so that they could see bigger gains in their Net Worth. "To Hell with the American Worker" they want bigger salaries and more benefits was their battle cry. With one felled swoop they devalued your homes and land when they previously sold you on the idea that land could never become obsolete or inexpensive. They routinely play yo-yo with the price of gas for any and all reasons like "the holiday travel season, or highway problems in a particular region for a few days, or the more expensive seasonal blend, or the just because they want to raise the price and there's nothing you can do about it but buy it". They fill up the New fangled dungeons with minorities, selling you on the fact that they are the principal perpetrators of crime in this country and back it up with skewed numbers when the fact is; minorities are woefully outnumbered and receive the brunt of the punishment because these same aforementioned bigots occupy the leadership role in the policing, and judicial systems, thereby giving them the power to do as the please when the minority faces appear before them in their courts.Their children receive the routine slap on the wrist for equal or more serious offenses. The question should be "How by any stretch of the imagination can minorities be a majority in any and every town or hamlets jails and prisons. When majority populations are far outnumbering everyone else in this country by at least 4 or 5 to one?"  Mainly its because the beds have to be filled because incarceration is a multi-billion dollar industry. The phone calls in any local jail or prison are exorbitant in an era when it costs pennies to call to the far reaches of this earth, (just to give you an example of the price gouging that goes on) and you think the money goes to your local Kiwanis club. Its lining the pockets of those instrumental of putting the deal in place and it "ain't" me and you. When you look at the roll calls of these establishments you can only infer that the majorities don't commit crime because their numbers are so meager. The sound bytes trickle down and tell a different story though, because you know its not safe to send your children to school, or to the Mall, or go to the Movies, or in many cases just out your front door, but again minorities are the one viewed with suspicion and make them want to stockpile their high magazine weapons (weapons of mass destruction) even more.  Sure I know you'd rather hear about the Kardashians, or who won the Super Bowl but it is time we all begin to take a hard look at what we're being spoon fed. We are intelligent people and it is time to stop looking the other way. If we don't stand for something we'll keep falling anything.
ONLY WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!                                                                Da Bad Guy!

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