Sunday, February 17, 2013

These people oughta stop!

There's a new catch phrase making the rounds if you're paying attention. I would guess its an attempt to sway feelings about the status of certain Americans and the hierarchy in which they assume they occupy on this Countrys' soil. As I talked to Greg Knapp the other morning (about some of the ridiculousness he and his cohorts utter on the airwaves) he quickly let me know his status (or so he thought) by asserting himself with this popular utterance, "I am a first generation American" there was a pause ( in which I assume he expected to hear my bones creak, and shutter ) but what he didn't understand was, with me being the INFORMED Bad guy that I am, I was aghast, as I am every time that I hear this certain group of Americans assert this, what I assume is supposed to be a title and privilege. Firstly if your name isn't Running cloud, White Feather, Screaming Wolf, or any of the other names Native Americans call themselves, you are the descendant of an OCCUPIER  of this land. Your people came here and decimated the inhabitants of this country, cut off their heads, scalps, and the like, for souvenirs, and actually gave them value at your trading posts, mocking them all along the way, while literally running them off to the far reaches of this country (deserts, the freezing mountains, etc) where their survival was tenuous at best. This other cry you have of  "I'm 70% Cherokee, Apache or what ever tribe you choose to affix yourself to, "here's a little secret...shhhh, I want you to listen real close, Your ancestors raped, and fucked every race of women that have come into his proximity, at his whim, with impunity, fathered children and left them to fend for themselves (remember that guy named Tommy Jefferson and his so-called winch named Sally Hemmings that you so vehemently denied fathered children until DNA proved you wrong) while his partners in crime (others of his race) reviled, rebuked, and marginalized these same children by calling them names like halfbreed, red niggers, and the like, ( you know it was far from an isolated incident)  so you inserting yourselves into races that these people still mangle, and brutalize is nowhere near the honor you feel it is when you blurt out your supposed lineage. You native American mixed races are just fallout (from a rape session or a night out on the town like they prefer to imagine it to be) like the rest of us minorities, and it just happens that you can hide in plain sight because by the magic of genetics, you happen to look more like "them than the Native Americans". The atrocities that your forefathers committed are no less than those in Europe, Asia, or anywhere else, only you use the magic of sound bytes, history books, media outlets, and any other sources at your disposal to make yourselves look like Knights in shining armor, when you're anything but. These people brought disease, pestilence, cowardice and newfangled weaponry to this country, conquered the inhabitants (who without; they would have died from not being able to adapt...remember why we celebrate Thanksgiving?, if its a lie they told it!) and assumed the role of the chivalrous hero that he assumes himself to be, no matter the circumstances!       
If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything!                                   Da Bad Guy!


Unknown said...

Church...... I wish the world could see things that clear. People have been brained washed there entire lives.
" Driven "

Anonymous said...

You ought to be hired!