Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Just a thought!

You cannot administer a wicked law impartially, it only destroys, punishes, but be warned...just like a lethal disease it destroys every one it touches. Censuring thought is akin to banishing books, even newspapers. Its nothing but the few forcing their agenda on the masses... Fanaticism and ignorance are forever busy... And has to be fed.

Monday, October 7, 2013

A message from Red Neckerson

At what point is it that people don't think that you get tired of these semblances of humanity run amok destroying this great country that was forged through the blood and sweat of our ancestors. Ancestors who came here as indentured servants, as poor Agrians or service workers giving everything they had, even their lives in pursuit of better lives for their children. Sure we enslaved them but they're nothing more than chattle and besides Almighty God bequeathed that we're the superior race so you can't argue with us. Look we've given you some freedom and all you scum of the earth vermin do is clog up the streets with that marching bullshit, which if you look at it never gets you nowhere. We showed you idiots that you have no self esteem because our kids, the fruit of our loins are the best of your race, I ain't afraid to say what everybody knows anyway...the lighter skinned ones are the cream of your no good crop, even you acknowledge that in word and action. All you do is kill each other and take drugs and wreak havoc in society. You don't go to school so what good are you, I mean come on, like you say, keep it real...would you give you a good high paying job?, hell fuckin no, you know you wouldn't. This is just some food for thought for you darkies, so run on back to your church houses, where your preachers doing every thing under the sun including spending your money feeding you that pie in the sky theory we fed you when we took your language, your culture, and your God so long ago, and you ain't got wise yet, so be sure to stay prayed up and blessed and I'll get at you later.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Changing Times

For the umpteenth gazillionth time there's a discussion on the racial situation, or lack thereof in this great melting pot of this America we live in. Well here's my take on it... You've got one faction that's so immersed in keeping these mythical reins of power and keeping " those others" subordinate to them that they see nor hear any rationale that would bring any one to that top of the stoop that they occupy. Those others want so badly to included and are beaten down by the years of mind numbing terrorism that has been inflicted upon them along with the political, social, financial, and educational ramifications, that any meaningful conversation exists in a realm we know not of. That along with the perpetual pendulum swing of others that gain access to the stoop for whatever reason of inclusion the occupiers of the stoop deem relevant, they then acquire the same feelings as their stoopmates so appealing to them is pointless, and many of them are from third world countries. Bottom line is I can go on and on but that would be just like discussing the race situation, pointless! Until hearts and minds change (especially from the top stoopers) its wasted breath! Haters hate and that's the bottom line and apparently they are so ensconced in those negative feelings that rhyme or reason has no meaning whatsoever!
Da Bad Guy

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ode to a Bitch

In this American society of ours it's pretty easy to pass yourself off as somebody whom you aren't ,or to be more exact, never could be. It's called identity theft! Theives and liars do this routinely engaging in this behavior without giving it so much as a thought. That doesn't stop people from trying though, that's mainly because of a well accepted syndrome sweeping the shores of this great country of ours... I personally choose to call it the Bitchilization of America. Now I'm not talking about anything other than weak, lying ass cowards that would do almost anything to tell themselves that they are right to stoop to any means to justify that which is the antithesis of anything that they are, or ever could be. Whether they're forging a check, or plagiarizing a paper, who you are started a long time ago, and if you happen to fall into the category of being morally reckless, ethically challenged, or any of the other monikers that fit your deprived ass, the fault lies with your sorry ass mammy, who refused to take a firm hold on you years ago, blowing off those things you did during your grooming process because she thought that inane shit you were doing was cute and now that you're a full grown adult who dwells at the fringes of ineptitude, marginalization and mostly dick biting (to use the vernacular of the street) and passing yourself off as something you obviously aren't while people laugh at you, feel sorry for you, or as most cases view you with contempt and/or disdain. A long hard honest look in the looking glass should make hot scalding water run from your eyes if you have the capability of being honest with yourself which is something you are incapable of being. So my low self esteem, calorically challenged friend(s) keep on trucking along in your glass house, but stop throwing stones. No matter how many people you unfriend you'll eventually figure out this is the real world not a television sitcom starring you and that fairytale you live in. Even Peter Pan had to grow up!
. ...............................................................Da Bad Guy!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Warning: This blog contains language that is considered lewd and offensive yet most of us use it in private conversation without giving it a thought, so I'm going to say exactly what I mean and how I mean it, just because it needs to be said, so buckle up and lets ride. To hell with political correctness, and social decorum and lets get to the heart of the matter.

Most of the problems in America comes from this faction of zealots that are all high and mighty and are determined to establish their set of rules and we all live by them, and the problem is, these same assholes don't even live by their own rules. Just like sheep being led to the slaughter idiots will echo the sentiments of these people calling for separation and noninclusion and all the while its nothing more than the same old power moves that the ruling class in America has employed for centuries now. Listen up and listen close in America the ruling class are wealthy caucasians who are the ancestors of robbers, thieves, killers and anything else it took to amass whatever it was they wanted, killing native Americans, then fucking their women, enslaving Africans, committing any and all atrocities against them, then you guessed it fucking their women, not to mentioned decades later of hangings, lynchings, and marginalization and all the time calling out loudly that people need to forget the things of the past and right today these motherfuckers use mass media to throttle minorities belittling them, calling them lazy and accusing them of wanting government handouts ( or the new catchphrase of the day, entitlements) while their schools are on par with third world countries and all the while their children are educated in lavish classrooms with the newest, and best school supplies and equipment, optimal student to teacher ratios and secure environments. Their parents go on morning jogs while niggers rush to work to make sho dat his bosses workplace runs efficiently. Thats for those who aren't locked away behind bars and/or addiction. (and I'm the bad guy) They still accost niggers at the drop of the hat for little or nothing and these Casey Anthonys get away with murder.  Lets put the ball in all these crazy motherfuckers court...suppose this was your child, grandchild, cousin, nephew or any relation or close association would it be okay that this assimulating ass Mexican stalked him and killed him.
There is no or will be no return to Pleasantville no matter how bad they want it!
To be continued.....

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


First they steal the words...then they distort the meanings. The French philosopher Voltaire said "those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. These words have never been more relevant than in our society today. A seventeen year old kid lies dead in Sanford Fla by a man that profiled him, followed him after authorities told him not to, and took his life. Now all we hear is the teens propensity for violence, drug use and anything else that can be used to incriminate the victim. All of my Adult life I've heard you follow the law, but apparently that's changed. (refer to opening line) This case was over when the police told George Zimmerman to cease and desist regardless of how many friends he brings to court, or how much marijuana is in whomever's system....but the dirty south is a hell of a place... just ask Casey Anthony.

                                                                                                                         Da Bad Guy!

Who's minding the store?

Teens run seemingly run amok this summer of 2013. Car jackings, ATM thefts, robbings, shootings, acts of arson (even against parents in some cases) and acts of unspeakable violence, and all the while, Amanda Bynes is at it again! It is the responsibility of all parents to monitor their children, their activities and their associations (since everybody wants to lay lame blame elsewhere). A wise old lady told me years ago that it's easy to get in trouble, but hard......., well we all you know the rest. If not just tune in to your local newscast. That rope you're giving your offspring so willingly, can be the same one you'll want to hang them with or more importantly yourself!                                                       Da Bad Guy!

Friday, June 28, 2013

The differences in people

Maybe its just me, but now that the situation of minorities are getting the brunt of the situations of impoverishment

Friday, June 7, 2013

All eyes on me

So here we are at this juncture again, the flames of outrage to be fanned again because the government is veiwing phone records. Before your indignancy reaches record levels, here's a mint for your pillow...whats new pussycat? So many of us jump on these bullet trains without fore or after thought because the sound bytes send messages that we feel deserve an immediate response, and most times these knee jerk responses are just that. Americans are being spied upon daily all under the guise of protecting the pursuit of that so called American dream, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  I ask you, in todays society where is it you can go without someone invading your privacy? Big brother is watching every little step you take and you're not outraged because of how the package has been presented to you. To protect you from crime, to ensure your safety in these hamlets and villages we dwell in is plausible to you because a Freddie Krueger lurks around every corner and God forbid I end up as his next victim, so its alright that I can be traced leaving the sanctity of my home to the top dollar store around the corner for a bottle of pine sol and all on camera no less. Now who's zooming who? The game isn't changing my friends, the rules are evolving and the grip on US is getting tighter and tighter. You can't have it both ways either you want it or you don't which really is a misnomer because you're going to get it either way. From Benedict Arnold, to Alger Hiss, The Rosenbergs, Civil war spies, and most famously Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism and less we not give a pass to America's most famous spy, the daffodil J Edgar, its all just another chapter in the big brother's watching you game...but you can take light in the fact that "this one's for you!" Stop the impulse, do your research into America's long sordid history of snooping. Its the American way!                       Da Bad Guy!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Remember the recent housing debacle. Massive amounts of property under and devalued. People losing homes hand over fists. Pure misery, pain. Feelings of abandonment, and loss. People losing what was termed as the only true staple in America, land, and property. In the words of Dr. Zachery Smith...oh the pain, oh the pain! But wait just a minute here, something just isn't right. There are people circling these neighborhoods like vultures over roadkill. The courthouse steps are full of bidders accumulating these properties (for what remember they have little to no value) and all the American public is getting is mumbo jumbo concerning mortage companys and who's at fault but the folks who've lost their shirts and are still losing them, minds are melted butter and are in no mood for excuses, and as always the rich are getting richer, and the poor...well you know the rest. Kinda sounds like the old bait and switch to me, how about you? Be true to the game because if you don't it'll certainly be true to you!            Da Bad Guy!

Now the trick part

Allstate says they will send you a check for being a safe driver twice a year, this is a big part of their ad campaign...send you your mpney back for simply doing what everyone (that has an idea of what.being responsible is) should be doing any way. They take your premiums draw ultimate interest from the massive amounts of cash infusion they get from YOU and then send you a pittance to let you knpw "We got your back"  and all the while they scramble to give multi-million dollar bonuses to their hierarchy, but down on the lower echelon you pat yourself on the back for a job well done...and I'm da bad guy. And all it takes is some deep voiced C movie character actor who just a few years ago wasn't supposed to be able to be marketable to the American public because of his ethnicity. Aint America grand! Think about it...this is just one of the millions of tales in the naked city!  Lets wake up my friends our alarm clocks have been wreaking havoc.                   Da Bad Guy!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lies, Tricks, Games

I would like for you to ponder the question, what is a lie? Forget the surface level, dig deep inside from all the grammatical tricks and ask yourself what truly is a lie. Since the founding of this country everything we supposedly hold near and dear is based on lies so it gets hard for some to separate from the fallicies that are us, but it can be done. We have become so ensconced in just following the yellow brick road that we've forgotten that OZ was the ultimate destination. Stop hearing and really take the time to listen, I guarantee you be taken aback by some of the inane foolishness you hear because the root of anything starts with a seedling. You are the master of your destiny, so decide where to get on, or off that train of mediocrity, disillusionment, and chicanary. To thine ownself be true!               Da Bad Guy!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monikers, and Titles

There are those amongst us  that  thrive upon the perception that a title lends prestige, affluence, and credibility to themselves, their families, and their lives. This perception exists no matter how much you try to influence. yourself, or others as to your lineage or status in life, and the bottom line truth is, you are what you are. Most times all it takes is for you to attempt to verbally articulate to the world around you and you've blown your cover. That hill you stand on as king will crumble faster than a peanut buster parfait in 90 degree heat the moment that your inane vernacular reaches the ears of the informed. I'm acquainted with a guy that coaches and teaches college kids at what is supposed to be one of the most prestigious HBCU's in the country yet he is and has been sorely lacking in the most basic skills required to navigate
the most rudimentary life. This same individual was a fireman for possibly 20+ years and couldn't pass the basic skills test to promote himself to the
Lieutenant level which is about as simple as it comes, yet to talk with this guy you get the impression that he 's a high level cabinet member, that is if you're sorely lacking in skills yourself. Wow they say the mind is a terrible thing to waste! Just imagine all the furrowed eyebrows he's encountered along the way and all the time his mind has been playing tricks on him because he's  figuring that he got another past someone else. Whatever it is you do, hone your craft. Don't try to be something that you obviously aren't, get all your ducks in a row, and please have enough wherewithall to educate yourself to your desired level of competance. Rest assured that anything else will shine through to the competent masses like a new harvest moon. Stop perpatrating, get your credentials in order and you'll find that its not the letters that follow your name that are significant, but the measure of the individual thats dedicated themselves to true excellence.                                              Da Bad Guy!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Human Behavior

Is it better to be smart than to be stupid? Believe it or not the history of life on this earth refutes the claim of the latter, that is, if we judge by biological success. Understand this: beetles and bacteria are vastly more successful in terms of survival than humans could ever hope to be, especially considering that species survival has a life expectancy of about 100,000 years. With humans using this allotted time to destroy themselves and almost everything else in its path how can anyone with a semblance of logic dispute or deny that in essence humans are really a biological error. throughout their short existence the assault on the environment that sustains life, and the cold and calculated savagery on everything else and each other as well is conclusion enough.

Selling yourself short

You can spend your playing it safe, but the truth is, deep down you are terrified of taking risks. Risk present a conundrum that many minds cannot comprehend in that there is a real risk of failure. You can lose! Like everybody you want to win but the fear and reality of losing is greater than the exultation of winning' and the killer is, deep down inside... way deep down inside, you and only you will know, you didn't have the guts to go for it. So, play it safe, live your run of the mill average Joe life and likewise only you'll know that your insides  rot away on a  daily basis. The disillusionment, addictions, and placing blame infiltrates your entire being and you died a living death a long time ago simply because.... You refused to go for what it was you aspired to do. Make up your mind what it is you want to do and go for it!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Confused Mind

Confused and disillusioned people seaching for new certainties, and values, turn to political ideologies that openly reject reason, laud dissension, even war, and scorn the inviolability of what should be the makeup of the human persona--- Reason!                                                                                      Da Bad Guy!


In traditional society social order was derived from God, that is to say a person's place was determined by birth and custom. Society was divided into 2 strata, the Elite, and the masses. In essence it is said, and felt that human beings are unequal by nature, and material possessions (wealth), and they cannot be shared by all.
Machiavellian Tradition dictates that the ruling elite exploit the masses to their own advantage.
So, apparently we dwell in that same traditional society.                                                    Da Bad Guy!


Since the beginning of time, myths have played a powerful role in the formation of institutions and shaping the beliefs, customs and religious rites of humans. Most myths are of unknown origins but may be traced to some historic event from times long gone. Many believe that myths have the power to liberate the mind and guide the soul along a spiritual path of human potentiality. Without myths, life has little meaning but when fabricated for the benefit of a chosen few, myths become a detriment to humanity by impeding mental growth and understanding.                           Author: A.T. Browder                           Da Bad Guy!

Does it ever change?

Here in the year of our Lord 2013, the dialogue concerning Blacks in America is no different than in 1956 when Americans shouted long, and loud about the atrocity's the Soviets inflicted upon the Hungarians, yet no one was reviled as the Montgomery Bus Boycott raged. In fact coalitions were formed to keep these inferior Negro's in their place. One such organization, the FCG or the Federation for Constitutional Government whose aims partly were to nullify the Supreme Courts decision on desegregation (remember White America refuses to publicly acknowledge themselves as radical racist) are a blueprint for what white America, its Republican and Tea parties says its aims are today. The FCG's goals were to build an alliance of Conservatives in every part of the country to: Oppose the United Nations, Limit the power of the President to make treaties with Foreign Nations, oppose organized Labor, Social Medicine, High Taxes, Economic Aid Programs, and to reverse unpopular Supreme (Warren) Court Decisions. The executive head of the organization, Louisiana Businessman John U. Barr, emphatically stated that the Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation" is a usurpation of power by the Supreme Court and is essentially void because that power belongs to the Legislative branch of Government, not the Judicial Branch". The stated goal of the FCG is to maintain the purity of both the White and Negro races. "That is the entire motivation of our group" emphatically stated by John U. Barr.
As preposterous as this sounds, the Republican Party's goals that we know today are almost a carbon copy of John U. Barr's, and the FCG's platform that was rode to power by an obscure, has been Actor turned politician, that has been dubbed the Greatest President in the history of the U.S.....Ronald Wilson Reagan.
Just as dialogue in 2013 is no different than 1956, it is that mirror image of 1848's Emerson vs Carlyle, or when Lincoln fought with Douglas in the 1850's. You must understand Jim Crow never dies, he just changes his tone from premeditated, inflammatory invectives to a moderate, politically correct rhetoric which is more pleasing to the unsophisticated ear.
White America is sanctimoniously outraged when George W. Bush  rails against Sadaam Hussien, the Taliban, and Osama Bin Laden and the terror they inflict upon humanity, but he and White America turn a deaf ear to the racial injustices, system of Jurisprudence run amok, and the poverty, sickness, and disease that is perpetuated by the institution of policies and procedures of his, or his predecessors Administrations, the Republican party, White Citizens Councils, Polices Chiefs, Governors, Bankers, University Presidents, and even the Ku Klux Klan doing whatever they can to preserve "White Purity" which is nothing but a catch phrase for Racial Superiority.
Of course publically they make the pretense of calling for equity, but label anyone calling for the end of segregation and separation as being an extremist. All the while they wage a subtle propaganda blitzkrieg on the American people calling for the preservation of the America they know and love. Separate, Unequal, and more importantly Unconcerned.
The legacy of the Bush Administration is the perpetuation of lies and the prostitution of the minds of the American people. As were the legacies of Lincoln, Truman, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, and every President up to and including the present one. (To his credit Truman campaigned and railed for equality in the most racist areas of Missouri, even against the KKK).
Blacks have been described as less mentally capable, therefore unable to grasp what it takes to become an integral part of mainstream American society, (therefore all the negatives, and misnomers hurled at Barack Obama and his intellect, or lack thereof) dehumanized is how America chooses to think of them. Blacks who can read and write, who have escaped the legacy of ignorance and institutionalization have always been the bane of whites existence, and the reason why until relatively recently Southern States outlawed or effectively discouraged the efforts to educate Blacks. With the advent of the New Generation, Whites efforts aren't even needed because Blacks choose not to educate themselves, opting instead for lives of fun, and frivolity, when school, education, and the future is unimportant, effectively removing themselves frrom mainstream American society without any assistance at all.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the only place to go from there is down. Down to the institutions of Addiction, Poverty, Sickness, Disease, Confinement and Death, where all the fires have been stoked for their entrance. Character Assassins that lurk behind every corner, seek to destroy, defame, and humiliate every person of color and lump them all together in the one group of non, under, and unwilling to acheive with bias, prejudgement, and the spread of negative and inflammatory propaganda. This widespread and destructive swath of anti-intellectualism and cowardice is pervasive throughout this year 2013 as it was 40. 50, and even 100 plus years ago.

Think about it, only a person of high principles will look out for the common man, its the little guy that needs someone up top (in a position of power) to watch his back.

                                                                                                                           Da Bad Guy!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pay Attention my Friend

The actor Stacey Keach narrates a news magazine show on CNBC called American Greed. In it, people are profiled throughout the United States who take the life savings of unfortunate people who have not learned to follow their internal compass. I say this because without fail almost each, and every one of them allude to the fact that they knew that something wasn't quite right in the salesman's pitch , but they went ahead at the insistence of the pitchman (in most cases), and all but had a hand in taking themselves to financial ruin. Massive deception encapsulates America on a routine basis in every field of endeavor, but it is rarely heard of until its reaches the scale of the Bernie Madoff saga. While most Americans trudge along, going about their daily lives, a large percentage of them don't realize that they are a part of the American scam machine, so to speak. By assigning titles, giving companies catchy names, and dressing the CEO, CFO,COO, or any of the company heads in his best Ivy League attire and getting the lingo down pat, most peoples guards are relaxed and then its, let the games begin. Under the guise of assistance, homes and property have been devalued, while the mortgage companies play roulette, and gamble with the fortunes of their investors.  To make matters worse they actually receive bailouts from the government to get out of the holes they dig for themselves. Even if you tried to pay attention you were diverted with stories about who was the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, or Lindsey Lohans' state of inebriatedness, because the powers that be know that most of you are more interested in gossip than worrying about something solid, like your family's financial stability, or future, then throw in the fact that some computation, or math is involved, (far be it for you to strain your brain) because who has time for thinking that hard. These people routinely take all that you have, and then return to their massive estates on Cape Cod, with multiple private jets, helicopters, and any of the accoutrement's that the good life has to offer, and bask in the glow of success with their families while their monthly tally in the upkeep of their mistress is probably larger than what 65% of America lives off of for the year and you made it all possible because you were more interested in knowing how Kourtney and Kim took Miami. Now ain't that a Bitch! Now for the kicker though, the few and far who happen to get caught up are given a sabbatical at a country club that they call a Federal Holding Facility for a few months, whereupon afterwards they disappear with all the millions of dollars, never to be heard from again. The puzzling thing though is, if one of us gets caught up in some relatively minor breach of the law, we're locked up for inordinate amounts of time. Go figure! Its time to turn off the Jodie Arias trail, who cares who won an Oscar, time to pay attention to your affairs my friend. Take care of your business, or your business will take care of you!
                                                                                                                                 Da Bad Guy!

Ooops, they' re at it again

In  none of his addresses, speeches, or public pronouncements nowhere is there to be found any references to equality, emancipation, or freedom concerning blacks. Yet the perception amongst many Americans (including People of color) is that Lincoln is the great emancipator. Foreigners without fail always want to know where MLK gave his "I have a dream speech" and it is on the steps of the Lincoln memorial, but believe this...Lincoln was no emancipator or abolitionist. In fact he was far from that, but the perception that has been put forth by American Historians to preserve the prestige of his Administration is nothing more than diplomatic theater for obfuscation while America continues along its obdurately intransmutable path of business as usual.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Diversity Hhhmmmm?

I'd like for you to take just a moment and get a sampling of the phenomena that is reality television in this great melting pot, that is the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Okay, I'm talking about America (although I know what I just said can be confusing!) Try flicking through the thousands of channels, and you really can get a sampling of this great American life. From guys who fish with their bare hands, to Cajun Alligator hunters, Gypsy sisters raising hell getting drunk as cooter brown, Moonshiners thumbing their noses at the law, tough talking guys from South Boston,( Southie Rules), LA Ink, Amish Mafia, Mobster Wives, LA Wives, I mean the list goes on and on. A little garbage ass Hill Billy (whom the Old Folks would say "needs her ass whipped") is even getting her 10 minutes (and a chunk of change to go with it) in the personage of a Honey Boo-Boo, and the hits just keep on coming. Now if you're paying attention, I purposely left out The few black shows that are demeaning to most blacks who have attained a certain socio-economic status (believe me money definitely doesn't get you there) their mindless arguments concerning whose ass is the biggest, or a silly mother in Atlanta who promotes inane foolishness from her one hit wonder gold grilled son, or some ex-wife wannabes being exploited by one of their own, while she sits through the insanity with a somber face. It all takes me back to the time when Blacks cried foul because of their bug-eyed, buck dancing depictions on the television, but that's for another conversation. My point today is the plethora of depictions of these other people on the boob-tube, and while they may be lacking in the social graces, they are by no means anything other than how these people live, (which is different) but by no means negative, or demeaning, even if they're from from the most racially divisive city in the United States. Surely the one thing they don't have is coloring in their mix (although J-Paul got flava). So the question of the day is "Do you by any stretch of the imagination think its coincidental that you get a sampling of so-called America without the bad, good, or whatever, but definitely without people of color. Takes me back to the Seinfeld show when at the height of it's success, the question rang out, that apparently there were no blacks in New York City? because you never saw them, (for the most part), but what I pose to you is something different, and that is, do you think this is all done by accident? No matter how negative their lives and depictions, non of it ever falls to the level of "those other shows" shall we say. When the same thing keeps happening over, and over it ceases to be "by accident, or an oversight", that my friend is what you call a pattern. Think it over, right now I gotta go practice my shuffling, and buck dancing!
                                                                                                                 Da Bad Guy!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Follow your own compass

Think about it for a minute,..... How is it possible to appease everyone? Mind you my first inclination was to say "how is it possible to make everyone happy?, but that is a conundrum without finality so, I think it's better put that way.  Is it possible to find a medium whereas all parties can find solace? Politics, and Rreligion are so-called definitely out of bounds, but so is almost every other subject on the map. For instance Gay Marriage, how is it possible that someone outside the confines of the relationship itself can have an opinion one way or the other? Think of the audaciousness of an individual who chooses to relate publically his/her opinion regarding the status of two people that will in all likihood never impact their lives. Quite naturally we all have private opinions regarding almost anything, but once one takes the step of publically taking one side or the other, the die has been cast, so to speak. What gives us the right to assemble teams, (the shirts, against the skins) pro, or con regarding other people's lives. There are innumerable subjects out there i.e., Abortion, Voting Rights (and all that surrounds it), Unionization, etc,etc. but one that doesn't fall in that catagory because it directly affects peoples lives (or death) is Gun Control and/or the lack thereof it. While my personal feelings are of no consequence (and neither are yours), its these teams that get assembled to sway opinion either way that cause so much of the confusion. A popular ploy regarding this subject is to throw the amendment issue in, but in actuality how many of these people have taken the time to read it (the actual document) for themselves and ponder the true meaning of what it says? I suspect not many. Its probably like people telling you what the Bible says and they got most of their information through word of mouth, handed down from where, they couldn't tell you if their survival depended on it. I'm not trying to be devisive, but if you didn't read it for yourself and truly (and I reinterate) truly gain an understanding of it, how on earth could you form an opinion one way or the other. But of course people do....all day every day, So basically you're leaving your hall pass to heaven in the hands of Joe Schmo. While that sounds crude, its exactly what you're doing if you have'nt read, understood, and came to a conclusion on the information for yourself...even, no especially if it's the Bible that's important in your life. We all would do good to remember the story of Chicken Little and the moral of it. If you are one of the fortunate one's to have control of that thing we call a brain take the opportunity to use it and stop just jumping on others bandwagon because it sounds good, or is the politically correct thing to do. You were given tha wondrous organ for a reason. Stay in your lane, you'll find it can be enlightening.
                                                                                                                            Da Bad Guy!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Taking the Bull by the Horns

Take just a moment if you will, to think of this creature that considers himself to be a superior being. In general conversation of course he will deny this but consider his actions, mannerisms, and ideology. During the course of any normal day I am literally astounded by the things that he does, and is able to get away with, all I think because most people aren't paying attention, aren't intellectually sound enough to know when they're being hornswaggled, or they're just plain afraid to rock the boat. How many times have you been standing in line at (lets just say) Walmart and the person in front of you has a buggy full of items, the cashier checks them through, gives them the total, and the person in question hands her their credit card, she slides it through, thanks them for their purchase, and they're merrily on their way. You, in turn place 3 items on the counter, reach into your wallet, or purse for your credit card, and out of the cashier's mouth is "May I see your driver's license or I.D. please?". You give her this look that says "Why didn't you ask the person in front of me for their I.D. and they had a basketful of shit?", but you give a sigh, fork over the license in compliance, take your purchases, and quietly exit, stage left. Now if you're anything like me, or the people that I've talked to, this makes you feel violated, because apparently this person, or these people are accorded privileges that aren't accorded you. Why?, you ask yourself over, and over again. This has happened to marginalized people for so many years that many have become psychologically deadened, and they automatically acquiesce to the whims of the establishment without question, whereas others of us, our antenna goes up at the slightest sign of preferential treatment that isn't accorded us. When a peoples have instituted a caste system (which is in full swing in these United States) those on the lower rungs of the ladder are subjected to unspeakable slights, and injustices on a wholesale basis, and until they choose to lift themselves out of the "coach" section, the offending class will trudge along "status quo" so to speak. Whether or not they know their actions are offensive is inmaterial because the offender rarely has a barometer for measuring the amount of mud that he slings or has slung. (Remember the Flag flap or the Schools having derogatory Indian names and the offender's indifference) "What difference can it make they're just..." (I think you get the picture!). whenever any person feels he has been slighted in any way shape or form it is his/her duty to address the situation until a resolution is reached to that person's satisfaction. In other words if you don't ask for the order, you can't get it! Stop thinking like you're in the coach section, or better put, a second class citizen, because confidence and self esteem shine thru in the darkest of nights. You are entitled to anything and any service that any other American is, the only limitation is whats in your wallet. There aren't any second class citizens in America, only in the minds of fools!
                                                                                                                       Da Bad Guy!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

These people oughta stop!

There's a new catch phrase making the rounds if you're paying attention. I would guess its an attempt to sway feelings about the status of certain Americans and the hierarchy in which they assume they occupy on this Countrys' soil. As I talked to Greg Knapp the other morning (about some of the ridiculousness he and his cohorts utter on the airwaves) he quickly let me know his status (or so he thought) by asserting himself with this popular utterance, "I am a first generation American" there was a pause ( in which I assume he expected to hear my bones creak, and shutter ) but what he didn't understand was, with me being the INFORMED Bad guy that I am, I was aghast, as I am every time that I hear this certain group of Americans assert this, what I assume is supposed to be a title and privilege. Firstly if your name isn't Running cloud, White Feather, Screaming Wolf, or any of the other names Native Americans call themselves, you are the descendant of an OCCUPIER  of this land. Your people came here and decimated the inhabitants of this country, cut off their heads, scalps, and the like, for souvenirs, and actually gave them value at your trading posts, mocking them all along the way, while literally running them off to the far reaches of this country (deserts, the freezing mountains, etc) where their survival was tenuous at best. This other cry you have of  "I'm 70% Cherokee, Apache or what ever tribe you choose to affix yourself to, "here's a little secret...shhhh, I want you to listen real close, Your ancestors raped, and fucked every race of women that have come into his proximity, at his whim, with impunity, fathered children and left them to fend for themselves (remember that guy named Tommy Jefferson and his so-called winch named Sally Hemmings that you so vehemently denied fathered children until DNA proved you wrong) while his partners in crime (others of his race) reviled, rebuked, and marginalized these same children by calling them names like halfbreed, red niggers, and the like, ( you know it was far from an isolated incident)  so you inserting yourselves into races that these people still mangle, and brutalize is nowhere near the honor you feel it is when you blurt out your supposed lineage. You native American mixed races are just fallout (from a rape session or a night out on the town like they prefer to imagine it to be) like the rest of us minorities, and it just happens that you can hide in plain sight because by the magic of genetics, you happen to look more like "them than the Native Americans". The atrocities that your forefathers committed are no less than those in Europe, Asia, or anywhere else, only you use the magic of sound bytes, history books, media outlets, and any other sources at your disposal to make yourselves look like Knights in shining armor, when you're anything but. These people brought disease, pestilence, cowardice and newfangled weaponry to this country, conquered the inhabitants (who without; they would have died from not being able to adapt...remember why we celebrate Thanksgiving?, if its a lie they told it!) and assumed the role of the chivalrous hero that he assumes himself to be, no matter the circumstances!       
If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything!                                   Da Bad Guy!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Whats in a name?

Pick a Ninny, Jigaboo, Spade,Coon, Porch Monkey, Mulani, Kaffir, Sambo, Darkie, Swarza, etc, etc, many of the derogatory names assigned people of color were in fashion and used in major American publications, such as Look Magazine, Newsweek, and Time (just to name a few) until the mid 60's. Now they're just used on the DL (down low) and when folk aren't in mixed (racially) company. Although this may seem unimportant the name you are known as conjures up  images in the mind that ultimately causes action or non-action on the behalf of others. Face it, a nigger by any other name is still a nigger!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Marching to the beat of your own drummer

Think back for a moment and try to remember the first time you tried to use "they, them. or everybody else" as an excuse to do what it was that you knew you shouldn't do, but did anyway, just because you wanted to do it. When it came to light, the conversation you had probably went something like, "but mom, everybody's doing it!" Then you stood there in earnest waiting for confirmation because you just knew mom and dad would understand, and they would acknowledge that you had done the right thing, that you in all your narcissistic exuberance had made the right decision, and were coming into your own, in that ever changing world that was so different than the one they had grown up in, and following everyone else's lead was a symbol of maturation and growth, they were proud because you showed moxy and the balls to make that decision, or so you thought. There you were chest puffed out, heart beating fast, and eyes wide as silver dollars....that was until the hammer dropped! So many of the problems that exist in our society, and the world today stems from the fact that so many of us refuse to use our own judgement in matters that affect our daily lives. Pack mentality, we just have to do what it is we see others are doing. Emulate our friends, neighbors, heroes, icons, and idols. Just gotta get like or even one up John Q. Citizen next door to us. From the flavor of toothpaste we use, foods we eat, cars we drive, our homes and just about everything else we get involved in, (for the most part) its not our own independent decision. Along with this need to follow we're constantly being pelted with subliminal images that lead us exactly where "the theys" want us to go. We're propagandized from the time our eyes open in the morning until well after they're closed at night. These were Hitler's and the Nazi party's tactic, but we embrace them because we gave it that politically correct name called a Marketing Tool, so off to the races we go! Pack Mentality: attributed to animals of lesser intelligence as a means of survival, thats what it is we do. How many of us truly know even what soap we like, or if we like the particular brand that we use, other than thats what we are told we should like? Look around for a minute if you doubt what I'm saying. All the same shoes, shirts emboldened with the same lettering (mostly somebody else's name), and the list goes on and on. We look like something from an episode of the Outer Limits. Don't get me wrong, there are times when grouping together is essential, like rooting for your team, or trying to pass legislation , but in every facet of our lives?....stop being ridiculous. Its time that that same hammer dropped on us as kids (that our parents dropped so long ago) when they said "if everybody jumps off a cliff are you going to!
Remember most of us don't have parachutes or even know how to use them.........Think About it!

                                                                                                           Da Bad Guy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Informed Bad Guy: imagine

The Informed Bad Guy: imagine: Try to imagine if you will that people set aside their pettiness and actually gave a damn about their fellow comrades in this thing called l...


What's really amazing is the fact that people buy into the notion that these individuals say the exact opposite of what they publicly, and emphatically stated just decades ago. They feel that they should get a free pass to spew the venom, spread the divisiveness, misinformation, and proliferate the polarization that America claims it is attempting to move away from. And get this "all in the name of the Constitution!"  A document that is routinely used to shape the views of whomever is attempting  to justify their position. (and yet they never  expound upon what is probably the most important statement in the document itself and that is  " That we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal"), There's never any argument or even mention of that point. Only the Bible is used more to manipulate the masses in this way. Understand this; these are the sons, daughters, and grandchildren of people that died to keep minorities entrenched in "The Peculiar Institution", and were out and out overt separatists and members of organizations that literally took the lives of those they (legally) labeled as less than human,  for nothing other than the simple fact that they were different or that they had had to much moonshine. Murder, Rape, Assault and the like have been these individuals calling cards since the inception of this country with the legal system as their allies. ( because they made the system itself ) They now have the ultimate tool to cloak themselves in these clandestine fraternal orders and/or its ideology with impunity, and no political fallout because today's tactics dictate that it is no longer politically expedient to make those outside this web of intrigue aware of their allegiances to this mythical idea of domination and superiority. This country has been  inundated with these people in positions of power from the small town sheriffs, to supreme court justices since that meeting in Pulaski Tennessee and those ideas existed well before then. They use these fringe lunatics cloaked in clown costumes and the talking heads (Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz and the like) who are nothing more than mindless sycophants of right wing extremist to espouse their mandates, They act bewildered, and appalled that anyone would have the audacity to accuse them of this reprehensible and outdated train of thought or course of action, all the while anyone who's paying scant attention can see that these leopards have not changed their spots.They  routinely stoop to reverse psychology to give the uninformed the impression that the marginalism and bigotry they perpetuate is feigned, imagined, or that they are being attacked without justification, and falsely accused. The tool they use(d) to gain these positions of power; they now seek to eradicate, by giving it the distasteful moniker of "Big Government", (which is now the new catch phrase used by the Right). The "Big Government" tool that was used during the 20's (the heydays of the KKK, with thousands of them marching down Pennsylvania Ave in full regalia), and the  30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and even now in this new millineum, still using it to empower themselves, push their mandates, promote their chosen way of life, and of course enrich the chosen few, while all the time making sure that the majority enjoys a better way of life. All the self help programs, or training that the government paid for (if even at the state level) to enter places like NASA, GM, Lockheed  were closed to minorities who toiled away in service, just a step removed from slavery, and sharecropping. (maids cooks, butlers, and pullman porters are what minorities were, and encouraged to be) It's no secret that minorities were kept separate and unequal and denied entrance (By Governors and the like) into the Nations proffered Colleges, and Universities They (the Majority) took advantage of  "New Deals". Farmers receiving subsidies that minority farmers still drudge through the courts for til this very day and yet only still receive meager portions of. Housing, (Oh,  you thought so-called "projects" were built for minorities...yeah right!) Employment training and assistance, Land acquisition, Small business loans, Grants, and even (so-called) corporate welfare were all were provided for in whole or in part by this same "Big Government" and now that the possibility exists for someone other than themselves to take advantage of the few programs that still exist, the cry goes out far, and near to do away with "that tool" that helped lift them out of the mire of ignorance and poverty. ("Big Government had to step in to stop nepotism because it wasn't uncommon for entire families to be working for the same companies in towns and cities all around America, and they cried foul then to...anything to keep the minorities out!) These same people purposely started this trend of under and unemployment with their greed, and something that took misery to the next level, you remember something called the NAFTA agreement? This allowed them to send their factories and jobs overseas so that they could see bigger gains in their Net Worth. "To Hell with the American Worker" they want bigger salaries and more benefits was their battle cry. With one felled swoop they devalued your homes and land when they previously sold you on the idea that land could never become obsolete or inexpensive. They routinely play yo-yo with the price of gas for any and all reasons like "the holiday travel season, or highway problems in a particular region for a few days, or the more expensive seasonal blend, or the just because they want to raise the price and there's nothing you can do about it but buy it". They fill up the New fangled dungeons with minorities, selling you on the fact that they are the principal perpetrators of crime in this country and back it up with skewed numbers when the fact is; minorities are woefully outnumbered and receive the brunt of the punishment because these same aforementioned bigots occupy the leadership role in the policing, and judicial systems, thereby giving them the power to do as the please when the minority faces appear before them in their courts.Their children receive the routine slap on the wrist for equal or more serious offenses. The question should be "How by any stretch of the imagination can minorities be a majority in any and every town or hamlets jails and prisons. When majority populations are far outnumbering everyone else in this country by at least 4 or 5 to one?"  Mainly its because the beds have to be filled because incarceration is a multi-billion dollar industry. The phone calls in any local jail or prison are exorbitant in an era when it costs pennies to call to the far reaches of this earth, (just to give you an example of the price gouging that goes on) and you think the money goes to your local Kiwanis club. Its lining the pockets of those instrumental of putting the deal in place and it "ain't" me and you. When you look at the roll calls of these establishments you can only infer that the majorities don't commit crime because their numbers are so meager. The sound bytes trickle down and tell a different story though, because you know its not safe to send your children to school, or to the Mall, or go to the Movies, or in many cases just out your front door, but again minorities are the one viewed with suspicion and make them want to stockpile their high magazine weapons (weapons of mass destruction) even more.  Sure I know you'd rather hear about the Kardashians, or who won the Super Bowl but it is time we all begin to take a hard look at what we're being spoon fed. We are intelligent people and it is time to stop looking the other way. If we don't stand for something we'll keep falling anything.
ONLY WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!                                                                Da Bad Guy!

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Try to imagine if you will that people set aside their pettiness and actually gave a damn about their fellow comrades in this thing called life or even in day to day existence. Children dying in mass or walking home from the store in unfamiliar neighborhoods would be something that would never cross your mind, much less be a reality in this world we live in. Try to imagine that people who are so arrogant  (that they routinely say they are from the greatest nation on this earth), but are so insensitive and selfish that they have a right to harbor weapons  of mass destruction in their homes based on an antiquated piece of legislation that has for the most part,  no relevance to life in America today, except to maim, and destroy. Yet no matter how much carnage is inflicted upon their fellow man, they remain steadfast in their assertion that "they have a right to bear these same arms that inflict untold misery amongst the population at large. Imagine that the pain and suffering didn't end after the memorial services, the speeches,or after everybody packed up to go home. That the pain lingered on, and on (not just in the homes of those who were directly affected) so that people would come to the table seeking true solutions to the violence that plagues our streets. Imagine if people would stop pointing the finger at one group because of their race, color, socioeconomic condition, immigration status, etc and start to realize that the problem begins with the individual that stares back at them every time they peek into the looking glass. Imagine if there were no wings,  right or left, no parties, no liberals or conservatives and all made a concerted effort to really make this the greatest place on earth to live. Imagine if all these folks stopped just talking about this love that they have from the creator and started showing some of it, not just to their immediate kin, or at the holiday season, but made it a practice to spread just a tiny portion of that love amongst mankind recognize when others are hurting, hungry, suffering, sick, in anguish, etc., etc., and be the catalyst for making a small chuck of life more palatable, even if only for that moment. Imagine if the Haves gave some kind of concern to the have nots instead of running to the range everyday so that they can stay on their game, keep their eye sharp so that when the proposed Armageddon comes crashing down around us they be ready to protect them and theirs. I guess you could say it takes a lot of imagining to even remotely begin attempting to imagine any of this. Well,  its said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step..the simple method of just putting one foot in front of the other... now jus try to imagine something simplier than that!     STOP THE HATE!                            DA BAD GUY!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Have you heard of me!

The new America means the talking heads can defame, malign, and heap hot coals of misinformation on the American public with impunity. They constantly bombard the airwaves with the most inane thoughts without care or concern for getting the facts in order. Their mission is to inflame the passions of the so-called right without regard giving a thought to the consequences of their actions. Government (Big Government as they call it), Immigration, and Gun Control are their hot button topics with overt bigotry as the main theme in any conversation that they have. An Addle brained, Oxycontin soaked messiah is their main voice, spewing venom to the masses, with a nationwide team of disciples regurgitating his antiquated views to innumerable followers who like abused pups, tuck their tales and blindly follow...The Informed Bad Guy is one of the new voices in America who is not afraid to call this Messiah and his Minions to the carpet. Call me left or down the middle I will always give a voice to the marginalized masses that innundate the landscape of this new America we live in. never hyperbole or inflammatory rhetoric, we'll always do it like "Joe Friday with just the facts". So kick back and let the new kid on the block bring some sanity to this muddled mass of  the manipulated. Something that Ronald Reagan allowed with one of his last acts in office . Lets set the record straight!